This was prepared by a student in a middle school life science class. Meiosis is a type of cell division involved in sexual reproduction. It occurs in all plants and animals that reproduce by way of gametes or spores. In this cell division exercise, you drag and drop chromosomes to demonstrate your knowledge of the difference between mitosis and meiosis. The dna inside a germline cell is duplicated before meiosis begins during the s phase. Click on any intermediate stage for example, anaphase, and see a representative still frame. Meiosis is just one step in the life cycle of a germline cell. A meiose consiste em duas divisoes celulares, resultando em quatro celulas.
The pollen, male spores and ovules, female spores are produced in different organs, but the typical flower. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. Flowers structure contains the plants reproductive organs, and its function is to produce seeds. Division equationnelle mitose meiose mitose associations mitose et meiose associations tableau synthese mitose ou meiose. This is a brief flash animation depicting cell division mitosis. Reconstitution des enveloppes nucleaires et cytodierese. Divisions cellulaires et regulation i mitose et cycle. Mitose og meiose study guide by aaarhusianer includes 16 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. Cliquez ici animation 1 cliquez ici animation 2 bonne chance a tous. See more ideas about mitosis, mitosis vs meiosis and teaching biology. Mitose do grego mitos, fio, filamento 1 e o processo pelo qual as celulas eucarioticas dividem seus cromossomos entre duas celulas menores do corpo. Use the control buttons along the bottom to run the complete animation. This animation demonstrates the stages of mitosis in an animal cell.
Pollen contains the male gametes, the female reproductive organ is the carpel, this contains an ovary with ovules, which contain female gametes. Jun 01, 2016 cromossomos homologos celula 2n duplicacao dos cromossomos cromossomos homologos duplos separacao dos homologos r. Meiose e mitose diferencas aberracoes cromossomicas mitose meiose aneuploidia euploidia divisao equacional divisao reducional celulas germinativas celulas. Na meiose, ocorre permuta entre cromossomos paternos e maternos. Similar to mitosis, the cells also pass through the interphase, g1, s, and g2 stages before they enter meiosis.
Cliquez ici animation 1 cliquez ici animation 2 animation flash en anglais. Meiose i basicamente as fases da meiose sao parecidas com a da mitose. O objetivo da mitose e fazer duas copias exatas da celula. Tazi lina 1 genetique formelle des eucaryotes plan du cours. The duplicated germline chromosomes are called sister chromatids. Na primeira divisao ocorre crossover genetico e as caracteristicas codificadas nos cromossomos sao misturadas. Este processo dura, em geral, 52 a 80 minutos e e dividido em quatro fases nota 1.
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